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It can be difficult to keep your cats out of your vegetable garden at home but you must not give up since this is just manageable. Cat owners may not get to understand why the different gardeners out there are preventing their cats from accessing their garden. You should know that there are many reasons to this. This is not because of the reason that the gardens hate the cats but they are well aware that the cats are quite destructive and also vicious hunters and this is why they should not be allowed to play or roam in the garden.


Cats would use soil to be able to do take care of their toilet duties in the absence of a cat litter. They will not be able to notice the sprouting seedlings that you have just planted and they may also ruin these using their claws if they would dig up and cover the dirt using soil. If you are having problems with the cats inside the garden, then there are effective cat repellents through this website that you can actually use.


A great thing that you can do is to have that curry plant in your garden. Such kind of plat actually grows in the Mediterranean area. This plant comes with a strong smell but doesn't have any use in cooking or the kitchen. This is one perennial that is known for deterring cats that hate their smell. However, you should not plant this unless you have a serious problem with cats in the garden since this can be hard to remove after the cats no longer stay in your garden. However, this plant comes with various medicinal uses as well and one of which is soothing the sunburn and also reducing inflammation.


You can also find the scaredy-cat plant great for your garden. Such smells similar to the dog pee. This may be used to keep the cats and dogs away but this just works for those animals having a sense of smell. You can use a test so that you will be able to find out if this kind of plant and the curry plant actually works. You can observe the cats using a catnip and if this works, then those cat repellent plants can be great for your garden.


Also, lavender may be used to deter the cats in your garden. You will surely keep the cats at bay with the use of these plants.

Effective Methods to Keep the Cats Off Your Garden

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